The Butt Plug: A Cautionary Tale

I’ve never been one for solo anal play. It’s not something that turns me on when I’m alone, so my butt plugs and anal toys often stay in a drawer.

But anal toys and butt plugs with a partner? Yes, please. I love it. 

I love the sensation, and I love how naughty it makes me feel. Anal is something I’ve only come to embrace in recent years. When I learned how to prep and relax, it became a type of play I enjoyed. 

I had a partner who enjoyed seeing me in butt plugs very much. I surprised him one night, having slipped one in before he arrived. When he lifted my nightie, the slight glimmer of the purple jewel caught his eye, and he was instantly aroused. He demanded I get up on the bed on all fours so he could have a better view. I was happy to oblige. 

He played with the plug. Pulled it in and out, jiggled it. I was moaning in delight, loving every minute of it. 

The tone of his voice abruptly changed. “Do not move!!” 

I froze, thinking we were about to switch it up and include some new yummy role play. But I was wrong. 

“OMG, sweetheart! Are you okay? Don’t panic! It will be okay!” 

I still had no clue what he was talking about. “What do you mean?”

He paused. “You didn’t feel that? Are you serious?” 

“The, um, butt plug disappeared.”

I went to get up to check the bed, thinking he meant it had fallen out on the bed and was worried about the sheets getting messy. And then it clicked in my mind. He meant the butt plug had disappeared inside me! I felt instant panic. Like, holy shit, do we need to go to the emergency department kind of panic. 

He suggested I sit on the toilet and try and bear down to get it out. But that didn’t work. 

I tried searching for it with my own fingers, but that didn’t work either. 

He put on his latex gloves and had me go back on the bed. He used a ton of lube, and I used a lot of deep breathing, and after about 10 minutes, he was able to get enough hold on it to pull it back out. 

I was crying at that point. It was super uncomfortable, but I also think I was relieved he was able to remove it. The last thing I wanted was an embarrassing trip to the hospital. 

Needless to say, that plug and all the jeweled metal plugs like it went right in the garbage. 

Always make sure that the base of your plug is much bigger than the plug itself. I haven’t used one since. 

About the Author: GlassGirl is an experienced service submissive and erotica and lifestyle writer with a passion for kink education and helping others. You can find more of her writing on her website,


Discovering My Emotions in BDSM


“Don’t Kneel Today”